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Dabbang 2 (2012): Reviewed


      Arbaaz Khan owns a brand called Dabbang and its brand ambassador is none other than the crowd entertainer - Salman Khan. It seems that whenever Arbaaz Khan will be in need of money, he will release a Dabbang :-D.  The impact that Salman Khan makes on the masses could be seen by the whistles and cheers every time he made a gigantic entry. Some of his acts and stunts remind me of Rajnikant.  I had decided not to watch the movie in a multiplex to experience the craze for Salman but I did not miss a percent of the thrill, the aura even in the multiplex.

     Arbaaz Khan annoys you by inserting songs at equal intervals. Though you will like the songs but will somebody please concentrate on the plot? Oh! There is no plot. The movie runs for 2 hours by the grace of Salman Khan, Mind-blowing Action sequences and Kareena-Mallaika yukt item numbers (more whistles and cheers and comments!)
Sonakshi Sinha sulks (read ‘sulks’, it’s not a spelling mistake) in the entire movie. Prakash Raj plays Bachcha bhai, a legislator in Kanpur who is into bad activities. Chulbul Pandey (Kunfu Pandey, Robinhood Pandey) is posted in Kanpur in Dabbang 2.  Chulbul Pandey’s job is to scrap Bachcha bhai. Prajapati Pandey (Vinod Khanna) is a considerate father this time around as far as Chulbul is concerned.  Arbaaz Khan has a similar, smaller and a dumber role.

     The movie is must-must watch for Salman Khan fans. Watch it for Salman’s amazing persona on the big screen and the energy in the cinema hall. Hopefully Chulbul Pandey comes to Mumbai in Dabbang 3 (If at all Arbaaz Khan feels the need for money, there will of course be a Dabbang 3 :-D) .


  1. Thanks for sharing this post.Overall the Dabbang 2 movie is not bad, but at the same time, it is not impressive as the first part.


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