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An Epicure's Singapore

Source: Far East Hospitality
Back here in India, while I see all those mouth-watering culinary pictures of the ensemble of food available in Singapore, I can only wait for that magical ticket to Singapore to land in my hands. We all know that there is the Merlion, the Marina Bay Sands Skypark, the Singapore Night Safari, the Universal Studios, the Singapore Flyer and the list can go on for ever. But there is also the Roti Prata, the Oyster Omelette, the Chicken Rice, the Chilli Crab, the Barbecued Stingray and even this list can go on for ever. Singapore is a food haven and all your gastronomic desires will take a deliciously deep breath when you’re in Singapore.

So which is the best out of all the lip-smacking delicacies? The question is, why are you trying to pick just one; pick more and in all conscience you just won’t settle for one when you are kept in the middle of a culinary orchestra. We’ll just try to fit in five of the most fabulous Singaporean delights on your plate.

Roti Prata

Source: Far East Hospitality
A Punjabi might have went to Singapore long time back. He must have ordered - "Paaji Ek Prata laana butter maarke!" And when he did not get it, he would have got into the kitchen and made it himself - "Ise kehte e ji prata!" And the Prata reached Singapore with the accent and the taste. Now for the serious part, this Indian delicacy has found lovers in Singapore too. A Paratha (as it is called in India) has many variants to it but one thing is common in all of them - the taste and the love with which it is made. Love-ly!

Chicken Rice

Source: Steamy Kitchen
Any recipe with chicken in it is already a winner. Okay, that first line is a hyperbole (coming from a chicken lover) but this one is extra special when it comes to the pampering that the ingredients get before being served. First the chicken is boiled and the same water is then used to cook rice. The water that is used to boil the chicken is flavoured with ginger and spring onion. The rice is served with ginger and chilli sauce which makes it a yummy treat to the soul. Classic!

Oyester Omelette

Source: Sethlui
Onions, coriander leaves, beaten eggs and oyster. Looks simple but is one of the most favourite Singaporean delicacies. Oysters are otherwise eaten raw and so the oysters are very  minimally cooked in the oyster omelette. Best served with chilli sauce and garnished with coriander leaves. Perfect!

Chilli Crab

Source: Dishmaps
A true sea food lover loves the crab. After all that work to break the shell carefully and mess up your hands, glugging down the juicy meat is a heavenly experience. The crab is covered with a wonderful gravy which is primarily made up of chilli and tomato. Such an exquisite picture of the crab above. So scrumptiously garnished and beautifully captured. Heavenly!

BBQ Stingray

Source: Hungry Go Where
Barbecued after coating the stingray in a paste and covered in a banana leaf. Now for the details of the deliciousness involved in making this amazing recipe - the paste is made up of ginger paste, grounded dry chillies, garlic paste, shrimp paste and onions; this paste is then sauteed in oil with tamarind water and coconut cream. Imagine the amount of flavours activating each and every taste bud in your mouth after gulping down a mouthful of the stingray. Served hot with lemon sprinkled over the fish. Awesomness!

The Maxwell Food Centre

Source: YourSingapore
So your plate is now full with the Singaporean fab five dishes but I am sure the soul is not. There is more to Singapore; a place called The Maxwell Food Centre. This place is home to a variety of wonderful delicacies including the above mentioned recipes. So a trip to Singapore should always include a supper at The Max. The thought of Maxwell food centre has prompted me to include two more Singaporean wonders.


Source: Healthxchange
Kebabs! Chicken marinated and grilled and served with peanut sauce. Kebab lovers landing in Singapore will surely enjoy the name and the taste.

Curry Puff And Teh Tarik

Source: Far East Hospitality
This petite wonder is filled with a curry paste made up of spicy chicken and potato. Serve it with your favourite dippng sauce and accompany with Teh Tarik. Teh Tarik is a frothy mix of condensed milk, black tea and sugar. This sweet liquid goes well with the spicy puff. A favourite breakfast combo. 

I am sure this post must smelling irresistibly delicious by now. If someone around you asks where's that wonderful smell coming from, do not hesitate; give them the link!

I did a short video on the topic too just to make the post, a little more delicious.

and after all this

P.S. This post is written for the #FarMoreSingapore contest Sponsored by Far East Hospitality on Indiblogger.


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