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A Nosy Affair

Image Source: Demymor
I was wondering whether everybody around me was getting that smell or was it only me. I checked the sole of my shoe to make sure I didn't step on something I shouldn't have had, I checked the surroundings; nothing seemed foul.  In fact, the setting was as pleasant as it could get; centralized AC, closed sliding windows, clean-white flooring and to add to that, nobody was holding a handkerchief or even making strange bewildered faces like I was. This was annoying. “What’s that smell boss?”

I was in the queue for booking tickets at a well known travel agent. Why did I even plan this trip?  Hyperbole! Why did I choose this day to book tickets?? That’s better! My asking questions and talking to myself was not at all distracting my nose, which was displaying extraordinary smelling skills today from the past thirty minutes. I order you; Stop smelling!

In despair, I started smelling the form and the notes in my hand. Ah! They smell wonderful. My sister had told me to take my 2 year old nephew - Soumitra with me. I regret my decision to not bring him. Babies smell wonderful because they are always covered under a layer of baby powder. I know I am sounding pathetically selfish. The only thing that was worth cheering for was the slowly and steadily moving queue. Ten more to go! Go! Go! Go! Go!  I wondered if I said that loudly because the man standing in front of me moved out. I looked on as he went away. Suddenly he turned back. Is he coming towards me? Yes, he is coming towards me. “I will be back in two minutes.” he said with a bright smile. I nodded. Ok.

Slowly the smell went on fading away. I took a sigh of relief (literally). The gush of fresh air into my nostrils was such a delight but that did not last long. The smell was back with a “Thanks”. It joined back the queue in front of me.  It was the man in front of me! I am sure it is this man. I found him. Yuck! He smells awful. This smells like at least a week without bathing. Go immerse yourself in a barrel full of perfume.

I looked back. There were about 8-9 people in the queue. I thought it was better to get lost from here or I would lose my smelling senses. I went out and joined the queue at the very end. After some 3-4 minutes, the guy standing behind me also came back. Hahaha, another victim of the human smell bomb.  Another guy came back after sometime. Oh my God! If all the people come back, I will be in hell again. This went on till only one person was left between me and the smell. Thankfully, he was at the ticket window. Poor guy behind him, he can’t leave the line when he has got this close to the window. He has to bear him.

“Nikhil, wake up”, out of nowhere my mother arrived the ticket counter and she is waking me up. I am not sleeping Maa. I took time to realise that all this smelly ticketing business was just a dream.  Otherwise, why would I go and stand in those queues when I could book the tickets online. Stupid dream. “What happened? What did you see?” she asked hurriedly. “Let me freshen up. I will bath first then book the tickets and then tell you everything. Please switch on the Racold water heater”, I replied back exhausted.

Image Source: Racold

P.S.  This post is my attempt to win the Close Encounters of the Smelly Kind Contest organised by Racold Thermo Ltd. and Indiblogger. Check out their facebook page and What's that smell, Boss? video below..


  1. hehe finally he escaped.It all turned to be a dream :) Well written and all the best for the contest!


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