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Matru ki Bijlee ka Mandola (2013): Reviewed

Matru ki Bijlee ka Banjo Banjo

Matru ki Bijlee ka Mandola is a satire that reveals the atrocities of the Rulers - the Politicians - the Powerful - the System. It brings out the the poignant state of the farmers – how they are forced to sell off their lands to the Government at lower than market rates only to give it to bad  businessmen like Harry Mandola a.k.a Mandola(Pankaj Kapoor) who will earn huge money by developing malls, factories and housing projects on that land. Chaudari Devi (Shabana Azmi) is the corrupt bureaucrat. She will help Mandola earn the farmers land so that the Mandola will share the profits with her. Mandola is addicted to Gulabo (name of the beer he drinks). His daughter Bijlee Mandola (Anushka Sharma) is fed up of him. Hukkam Singh  Matru (Imran Khan) secretly plays the saviour of the farmers – Mao Tse-Tung. He likes Bijlee (by the way each one of us will like stunning Anushka Sharma) but never confesses.

 Director Vishal Bharadwaj does not recreate the Maqbool or an Omkara-effect. The strange name definitely attracts the audience but fails to connect. In fact, as the movie progresses you realise that the actual stars are Mandola and Chaudari Devi. They are also seen flirting with each other for selfish reasons. Pankaj Kapoor is outstanding with his dual character role –  the selfish, stubborn businessman Harry Mandola and the lovely, careless, profane friend of Matru Harya Mandola. He is shown hallucinating a pink buffalo (Gulabi Bhais) when he tries to end his addiction to alcohol. Pankaj is given crazy steps in the film. Watch the film only for Pankaj Kapoor (the drunk Mandola) and a few funny scenes.


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