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Barfi! (2012) - Reviewed


Life mein sabse bada risk hota hai kabhi koi risk na lena...

Barfi is a film about the life and love of a Darjeeling born boy named Barfi. The film is set in the 1970s and runs into flashback from the beginning. Barfi (Ranbir Kapoor) is our protagonist who is dumb and deaf. He bicycles through narrow lanes, jumps quickly down a house and pinches buttocks. He charms Shruti Ghosh (Ileana D’Cruz) with his unique and naughty tactics but he finds true love in Jhilmil Chatterjee (Priyanka Chopra). Jhilmil is autistic and belongs to a rich household. Her grandfather dies and his Will says that all the money would belong to Jhilmil and it would be kept with trust called Muskan where Jhilmil grew up. Ranbir Kapoor with is inspirations from Charlie Chaplin and Mr. Bean is impressive along with Priyanka Chopra who has shed her glamorous avatar for the movie. Illeana who has given many Telugu blockbusters including Kick
(2009) and Pokiri (2006) which remade into the Salman Khan starrer Wanted (2009) puts up a good performance in her debut Bollywood project. A strong script in place and impressive performances by Saurabh Shukla who plays a police officer and Ashish Vidhyarthi who plays Jhilmil’s Father decorates the film even further. Director Anurag Basu gives Barfi a documentary style treatment and European style music to make Barfi a sweet and smooth experience to the viewer.


  1. finally u wrote after such a long long tym.. :) was great to read.. :) keep up the good work..

  2. good review....
    movie was a bit longer....but held well by the director and the actors..

    I have a confusion....Shruti Ghosh's Dad appears in two scenes...
    1. When they arrive in darjeeling and he asks barfi the address while he sets his moustache and nose hair LOL!!!
    2. when he give him money the day barfi comes with his proposal...

    Are both characters same?? cant remember quite well :)

  3. Hello Anonymous!

    Good to know you read and liked the review.
    Don't be confused, both characters are the same...

    Please mention your name when you comment. I don't like my readers to be anonymous... :)


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